Blog Post #8 - Music

The song stand by me has been remade in so many different ways but with this song and the video, it changes the whole perspective. 

The song “Stand By Me | Playing For Change | Song Around The World” which was Published November 6, 2008. 

The main purpose is to bring everyone closer, but if we look more into it you will see so many different cultures, you will see they are all playing music on the street and all dress differently.

 The relationship between the band playing seems as if they are connected. 

As the song plays in the beginning you will see a man singing alone but also he has every instrument he needs set up to sing the song. 

This is similar to the other band players because what they can relate to is the instruments that they are using and playing. 

You see that they are all using headphones.

 This was all recorded from one person, it took this person over several years to get this whole video done.

 Just because they had to fly to every state and country that was listed in the video. In the video, I mainly like how due to them singing and playing on the street it brought other people together. 

This is rare because in the world everyone is so caught up in their things that they don't take a step back to relax and listen, to come together. 

The title of the song “playing for a change” has good meaning because it is shown in the video.

 They are playing music to make a change within people to bring them closer. 

Music can help in so many ways we don't think of, it brings peace to the world and brings us closer together. So go create your own film that can bring us close together and also peace!

writer: Noel Gallagher

Date: November 6, 2008


  1. Your ideas about in this blog are great! I agree with a lot of what you got from the video. If only we all could take time out and come together like they all did to create the video.


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