blog post #9

When you wake up in the morning, do you grab your phone and go straight to social media? There are a lot of people who do that on a daily basis and don’t even notice it. We are so stuck on what we receive from social media that sometimes we begin to think of it as the truth. The article “Americans Who Mainly Get Their News on Social Media Are Less Engaged, Less Knowledgeable by BY AMY MITCHELL, MARK JURKOWITZ, J. BAXTER OLIPHANT, and ELISA SHEARER. Where it states” ...These U.S. adults, for instance, tend to be less likely than other news consumers to closely follow major news stories, such as the coronavirus outbreak and the 2020 presidential election.”. This is showing us the news that is reposted on social media and we began to believe that it is true. We see others posting about their opinion and we get caught up with other people agreeing, thinking that they know all the facts, in all honesty, no one does. This statement also shows us that we re...