Is Thomas Edison Who He Say He Is?

Anahla  woodbine 

1011 English


When you think of Thomas Edison you think of I'm inventing the lightbulb. The real question is did he really invent the light bulb? I think Thomas Edison didn't invent the light bulb. The idea of a light bulb has been mentioned long before Thomas Edison was born. Alessandro Volta made the first practical method of generating electricity. After he did that he showed his Invention to Humphry Davy. he was an English chemist and inventor, he was the first person in the world to light the electric lamp by connecting voltaic piles to charcoal electrodes. Over time his invention started to improve. His invention wasn't all that good. The light will burn out quickly or it may have to be Bright. Also, we are thinking Who was the first person to make a lightbulb. The whole idea behind his invention inspired other people to try to build the same thing and improve in his work. Where Thomas Edison comes in he sees the problem where Davy went wrong in his work so he improves with his work.  Thomas Edison got the light bulb to work in two houses and many other places. There were no problems with the light bulb and they weren't too bright; they didn't burn out quickly either.  so you see how Thomas Edison took all the credit when it was Volta and Davy who invented the lightbulb in my opinion.


  1. Edison was definitely an opportunist. He had the means and network to do what the others before him couldn't. I use Grammerly and Ctation Machine for my posts. They are very helpful. Maybe you can try them out. Great ideas.


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