Blog Post #2 Education Fact

Anahla Woodbine 

1101 English


There are so many  reasons leading up to the differences in graduation rates is because of money and College preparedness. Money has a big impact on our everyday life we don’t notice. If you take a moment and look around we use the money for so many things even to stay alive. Therefore when you look up colleges you want to go to and see the price you get nervous on how to pay it. Yes there are Scholarships And yes there is financial aid but sometimes these things don't cover the full payment so you have to come out of pocket. Even with that, you can’t always afford it. So when a person cant afford college they end up dropping out and doing something else in their life. When it comes to college preparedness it can do with high school, mindset, or even household. When a person is beginning to come from high school the teachers don’t prepare us it more of us doing it on our own. That’s with learning how to manage our time on our own. Also mindset and household play a big impact. Some people fall into depression not able to get their minds right to do the work. With the household, you never know what a person goes through once they step in the house, and with all of these things, I feel as it can make a person drop out because they don’t want to deal with the stress or not able to do the work. So With college preparedness and having to do with mindset household can take a big part in the rates of graduation also money plays a big role with most graduation rates since people are not able to pay the funds for college that they want to go to or already go to.


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