Blog 7:Health

There are so many ways to grab the audience’s attention.

 Could be visual or written somehow the writer wants to grab the audience’s attention. The first source provided is Visual which means it is a video.

 In the video the oral is the cultural context, it has to do with the human bodies as from being babies to groan adults.

 This video is electronic because it is accessed on the internet.

 In the video, you can see the woman is using her hand to show us the picture and where the bones grow and showing in our body change over time.

 She also uses facial expressions while explaining everything in the video. 

The clothes she is wearing seem Casual it is a flower shirt with black jeans which means she could just be a teacher.

 For the Written one on the human body, it grabs the audience's attention by the picture of a real-life rain with blood all over it. 

The print in this the spelling, punctuation, and the way it's written.

 It's more like the author is trying to tell us a story as if it's not true information.

 He states “ It's a neat idea, and one that has caught the popular imagination. Here's how the story goes...”. Which you can see it's more a story than him giving off real information. 

Do we know if it's real information he is giving? 

He also states As The New York Public Library's Science Desk to back up his information that he is giving. 

With this written document you can reach this on the internet.

 As you can see this verbal but it's not reliable information just because he started telling it as a story.

 With these two sources, you can see how they Approach the media differently. One is with video, body Language, and pictures. 

The other one is with graphic pictures, spelling, punctuation, and Language.

BrainStuff - HowStuffWorks : Feb 17, 2015

By Benjamin Radford - Live Science Contributor April 04, 2011


  1. You did a good job describing the 2 sites you used for this post. A lot of comparisons were made to show which formats worked well and which ones didn't. I would suggest using Grammercy to help with grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. It has helped me a lot.


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